Saturday, September 28, 2019

10 Oct / Thurs - 10.a.m. Bayswater - Alt Thurs Group

Ride to Sassafras up the 1 in 20 and back home somehow. A mixture of sealed road and trail. Weather dependent. 

Friday, September 20, 2019

3 Oct / Thurs - 9.30a.m. - Emerald Library - Hills ride

A short 1 hour up 1 hour back ride on the Beautiful Emerald - Gembrook trail. Mainly off road, short but hilly with coffee break in Gembrook. Convene Emerald Library.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

2 Oct / Wednesday 10:00AM Yarra Junction

Going to Noojee. This is an all-asphalt Road-bike ride approx 90Kms with a Bump in the middle. Meet in the carpark behind the swimming pool (near the tennis courts)

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Warby Adventure on the Aquaduct !

The Aquaduct trail's Grand Final public Holiday Friday ride became an eventful Bear Grylls like adventure as 21 riders battled the aftermath of a mini Hills cyclone to make their way 20+kms to Warburton for the usual cuppa and cake.