It rained on the journey to Yea yet the powers produced sun for the uneventful jaunt to Alexandra. Andrew excelled on his very heavy, indestructible, steel gravel bike, whist Kerri embarrassed all by blitzing us with her new light weight gravel steed. Helen and I were the only two riders who needed to work hard on "real" bikes.
Lunch at a very busy Alexandra saw Kerri and Jon confiscate the last two cauliflower and cheese sausage rolls. The rest had to share Werner's bowl of crip potato chips.
And so back to Yea. It was more down hill than uphill for the 37k. trek back, which meant our pace was very much quicker which in turn meant a few of the gravel hairpin bends became much tighter. Therefore, and without premeditation, Werner sort to test his bike handling skills by trying to execute a controlled??? handbrake slide through one of them. This proved that gravity always win.
Pictures tell the story.