Thursday, April 9, 2020

Jon B thwarted

This advised isolation has distinct advantages for cyclists, of the male compliment at least. Besides the extraordinarily long list of jobs that " I must get around to doing sometime" being progressively whittled away, there is always .....
What an opportunistic time to head for the Man Cave. No more hills up which one must pedal. No more obligagory bi-directional headwinds to counter. Just the Man Cave  beckoning. No more chains to clean and lubricate. Just the Man Cave to spit polish.  Bliss! Well, sort of bliss as unbeknowns to me, Anne was observing my (as she called it) lasitude. "You should go for a ride" was mentioned a few times. I'd agree and promptly  head for the Man Cave. And quite rightly she would comment "You will lose your fitness if you don't go for a ride." Naturally I'd agree. Straight back to the Man Cave. 
What I had not counted upon was Anne talking to Kirsten and mentioning my need (her words) to ride and that I was getting bored (her words again as I had only polished the Man Cave three times). So Kirsten kindly asked me to go for a ride with her. Keeping up with Kirsten is a daunting prospect. PANIC!!!!!  Time for .....

First check the weather report. Warm weather, no rain and modest sunshine predicted. No excuse available there.
Try the Government rules for driving a car when taking a bike to a bike trail. All OK there as well.
 Well, there was always a mechanical issue with the bike.  No joy there.
Perhaps Anne would not let me have her car. (The Cortina is in a mate's workshop which is closed for the isolation period). No joy there either.
So, the ride was a goer.

Well I am thoroughly glad Kirsten and Anne forced my hand.
Starting at the Gully carpark we headed for Oakleigh in warm weather and a head wind, naturally. Social distancing between the two of us was not an issue. Social distancing from the 234.2 young kids on their learner bikes along with learner parents wearing earphones, was a little more challenging. Still we managed not to reduce the popualion of up and coming riders. 

A few Oakleigh café were open though the first café seemed anxious not to generate revenue by having the four waiters talk to each other rather than attend to us. The second establishment was much more obliging. Topped up with food and drink, we were ready to ride back and then it rained! And then it didn't rain. And then it rained again and then it didn't. Then the sun came out. Better still, we had a tail wind for much of the ride home. So glad I did the ride and it did highlight my lapse of fitness from too much Man Cave distraction. Kirsten mustn't have a Man Cave. No lack of fitness there.

70km and a delightful ride in good company. Thank you Kirsten.
Jon B

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