It could almost have been described as idyllic, the ride mainly completed, lunch in hand and an amorous couple nearby in the warmth of the sun in a lovely setting at Millgrove just outside of Warburton. There were though a few problems .. it was now 3.30 in the afternoon, lunch was a vanilla slice and a coke (no pies left), the sun was about to disappear ... and that amorous couple were two very young looking males .. where did the day go wrong !
We'd started off well enough at Worri .. Kirsten had forgotten her cycling shoes, Werner had mislaid his car keys and I was frantically searching for my wallet ... and they say that cycling helps to ward off old age and dementia !
With Jurgens plans changing by the minute we ventured eastwards catching up briefly with Gary Hall, to Launching Place to allow Kirsten to hit a bike shop where she negotiated in gold bullion attempting to buy a pair of shoes. While we waited Kerri decided that is was close enough to 10a.m. to have our first coffee of the day some 5 kms into the days ride !.
With no luck in the shoes dept we tried in Warburton again without luck so settled instead for Kirsten and Jurgen to swap bikes to allow Kirsten to ride uncleated
Heading to Big Pats Creek we somehow lost Helen. As Werner rode off valiantly in search we wondered whether we'd ever see either of them gain. Thankfully we were soon reunited and headed up Mississippi before branching off at Lyrebird for a decidely long climb through beautiful forest. This was followed by a grateful descent back on to the Warby Hwy where after a quick detour to the Redwood Forest i departed ways with the gang seeking a slightly more adventurous route back along the Aqueduct trail
I'd forgotten how beautiful this trail was. Even in its sodden state it provided for stunning views down the Warburton Valley. After what seemed like an endless amount of cycling I reached a bridge that I vaguely recalled Gary Hall mumbling something about. The bridge was impassable with a tree smashed across its walkway. I was a little ropeable to say the least as there had been no signs of such in the direction i'd come but there was one in the opposite direction saying to be wary of workers on the track
Now the only problem with the sign was that it was only readable to someone who'd either magically flow over the bridge or alternatively taken the "path of death" under the bridge - a slippery hand hewn path that came with its very own rope !
Now while I could have gone down the rope i'm not sure whether I would have been upright at the bottom nor whether my bike wouldnt have impaled itself upon me so i decided to back track 4 kms to the nearest exit point i could find and then took a circuitous route back through Warburton (lost again) to Milgrove and my lunch appointment at 3.30 in afternoon no doubt with the others well and truly warming themseles up at home - can't wait for our next adventure ! PS make note to self .. listen better to mumbles from Gary Hall !
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