We headed out from the stadium yesterday (Monday) in beautiful conditions with a rough guide to head towards Blackburn. As usual Kirsten in the lead ... with Jon and I lagging behind.
We hit Eastlink ...oh the hills, after having been on another 65 km ride the day before with our beloved leader. Needless to say I was feeling the pace. I learnt that this was payback for not doing beach road in Sunday😵
Merrily we headed along the trail with parts of it busy with bikes and walkers everywhere in our journey to our coffee and cake stop at Blackburn. About to head off, we expanded our little group with Helen and Ian tagging on. Amazing who is out there enjoying the sunshine.
A good ride had by all, arriving back at our cars to head for home.
I got home, collapsed on the couch after a shower and headed for bed. But awakened today to do it all again if I could. Work is calling so it is a day off the bike for me.

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